Etien Santiago

Institution de rattachement
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Équipe de recherche principale
Hillier College of Architecture and Design
Thèmes de recherche
Histoire de l'architecture et de la construction en Europe et aux Amériques, 1880-1980
Principales publications
"Notre-Dame du Raincy and the Great War." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 78, no. 4 (December 2019): 454-71. “Huts, Houses, and the Industrial Militarization of France, 1914-1917.” In States of Emergency: Architecture, Urbanism, and the First World War, edited by Erin Sassin and Sophie Hochhäusl. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2022. “Bricolage de pointe: constructions expérimentales dans un contexte étranger pendant la Grande Guerre.” In Construire ! Entre Antiquité et époque moderne. Paris: Éditions Picard, 2019. “The Rough Concrete Surfaces of Perret’s Notre-Dame du Raincy.” In Platform 9: Still Life, edited by Jennifer Bonner. New York: Actar, 2016. “Minimum Structure: Musmeci and the Semiotics of Statics.” In GSD Platform 4, edited by Eric Howeler, 160-3. Barcelona: Actar, 2011.
Appartenance à d’autres associations savantes
Society of Architectural Historians Construction History Society of America