Inge Bertels

Historica, professeur
Institution de rattachement
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Équipe de recherche principale
Architectural Engineering lab [ae-lab] - Re-Use team
Thèmes de recherche
Construction History, Urban History, Histoire de l'architecture 19e-20e siècle Belgique, Europe
Principales publications
Inge Bertels, Jan Hein Furnée, Tom Sintobin, Rob van de Schoor en Hans Van de Voorde, (ed.), Tussen believing en verbeelding. Steden in de negentiende-eeuwse literatuur, Leuven, UPL, 2013 [GPRC-label] Inge Bertels, Bert De Munck en Herman Van Goethem (ed.), Antwerpen, Biografie van een stad, Antwerp: Meulenhoff/Manteau, 2010, 390p. Inge Bertels en Van de Vijver, Dirk, “Belgian City Architects and Engineers; The Rise of a New Local Elite, 1850-1880”, in: COUPERUS, S., SMIT, C. en WOLFFRAM, D.J., In control of the city: local elites and the dynamics of urban policy, 1800-1960, Leuven: Peeters (2007) 121-132 + ill. Inge Bertels, ‘Building Contractors in 19th Century Belgium. From Craftsmen to Contractors’, in: Construction History. Journal of the Construction History Society, 2012, vol.26, pp.1 - 18, Inge Bertels, Building the City, Antwerp 1819-1880. Phd Thesis, KULeuven, 2008.