Jelena Dobbels

Postdoc researcher
Institution de rattachement
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Équipe de recherche principale
VUB Architectural Engineering
Thèmes de recherche
acteurs de construction 19e siècle 20e siècle entrepreneurs (généraux) archives d'entrepreneurs
Principales publications
1. DOBBELS, J. (2020) ‘Delineating construction expertise. Analysis of 20th-century litigation of the Brussels’ contracting company Entreprises Générales Henri Ruttiens et Fils’, in: J. Campbell et al (Eds), Iron, Steel and Buildings: the Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge, 599-610. 2. DOBBELS, J., I. Bertels & I. Wouters, ‘The general contractor, the architect and the engineer. The contractors’ path to become professional building practitioners in Belgium (1870-1960)’, Construction History, 2017, 19-29. 3. DOBBELS, J. & I. Bertels, ‘General contractors on site. Contractors’ discourses on their position and organization, Belgium 1874-1964’, in: C. Rauhut & E.-C. Heine (Eds), Producing non-simultaneity. Construction Sites as Places of Progressiveness and Continuity, Routledge, London and New York, 2018, 113-137. 4. DOBBELS, J., ‘The general contractor in Belgium, a building actor with a mixed profile (1870-1930)’, Ædificare. Revue internationale d’histoire de la construction, Theme issue on Entrepreneurs/Contractors, 2019/1, 5, 155-172. 5. DOBBELS, J., I. Bertels, B. Espion & I. Wouters, ‘A business-historical analysis of Entreprises générales Henri Ruttiens (1878-2000)’, in: I. Wouters, S. Van de Voorde, I. Bertels, B. Espion, K. De Jonge & D. Zastavni (Eds), Building Knowledge. Construction Histories, Abingdon, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, vol. 2, 573-580.
Appartenance à d’autres associations savantes
Construction History Society